Performance Qualification

MFDA can assist you in developing a PQ utility validation protocols 
tailored to your specific utility system.
The contents of a typical procedure may include, among others, 
the following sections:

  1. Protocol Approval Page

  2. Table of Contents

  3. Purpose

  4. Scope

  5. Responsibilities

  6. System Description

    1. Major Component Parts

    2. Water Flow Path Through System

    3. Alarms and Controls

  7. References (Drawings, etc.)

  8. Standard Operating Procedures

  9. Instrument Calibration Review

    1. Test Instruments

    2. Process-Related Instruments

  10. Sampling and Testing of Water System

    1. Frequency of Testing

    2. Sample Locations

    3. Sampling Procedures

    4. Length of PQ Testing

    5. Types of Testing to be Performed

      1. Chemical Testing & SOPs

      2. Microbiological Testing & SOPs

    6. Acceptance Criteria for TestingAcceptance Criteria Summary

  11. Acceptance Criteria Summary

  12.  Protocol Summary Report

  13. Protocol Deviations and Corrective Actions

  14. Protocol Document Requirements (Attachments)